FT - Study of Residue Periodicities in Sequences
Pasquier, C.M., Promponas, V.I.,
Varvayannis, N.J. and Hamodrakas, S.J.

Index 2.Copyright notice

1. About the Program

This computer package uses a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to locate residue periodicities in either aminoacid or DNA sequences.

The package consists of two basic parts. The main part is based on an algorithm of Dr. A.D. McLachlan and is written in C++. Each sequence of N residues is represented as a linear array of N terms, with each term given a value of 1 or 0 according to whether the condition considered (i.e. presence of a G residue) is or is not satisfied. To increase resolution, this array is embedded in a larger array of zeroes (McLachlan, 1977). The transform is performed using an FFT algorithm.

The part of data-input is written in Java. Details about the input are given below:

The calculation is executed on a web server located at the Departement of Biology of the University of Athens. The machine is an O2 SGI with a 180 MHz r5000 processor and 64 Mbytes of main memory.

The results are displayed either in an HTML page or in text mode. On the HTML page, the relation between intensities and periods is also represented as a graph.