FT - Study of Residue Periodicities in Sequences
Pasquier, C.M., Promponas, V.I., Varvayannis, N.J. and Hamodrakas, S.J.
Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics,
Faculty of Biology,
University of Athens
We provide here some ready to use samples of the program.
By selecting one of the following searches, the input dialog of the
program is pre-filled with all the information needed. You just have
to press the SUBMIT button to run the program on the sample and
to obtain the result page. You have of course the possibility to
modify some of the data provided to personalise your search.
- Sample 1 : Analysis of the periodicity of Tyrosine (TYR/Y)
in the part [162..278] of the CCC4 protein (found in the chorion of Ceratitis Capitata).
You will see in the result page that the program detects a highly probable (intensity=7.12)
periodicity very close to 9 (9.98) for this amino acid.
- Sample 2 : Analysis of the periodicity of Glycine (GLY/G)
in the sequence of collagen (
CA13_HUMAN). We use a cutoff of 10 to search only for high intensities.
The program detects as expected a periodicity of 3 residues for Glycine with a very high (229!) intensity.
- Sample 3 : Analysis of the periodicity of the G base
in the DNA sequence coding collagen (
HSCOL3A1). By using a cutoff of 30, we can easily isolate a periodicity of 9 and a periodicity of
3. The basic period of 9 is probably related to the periodicity of 3 for Glycine in the protein sequence.