TABLE 4: Set of 37 proteins (MÖLLER-SET A)

Name = Identification of the protein in SwissProt (ID and AC code)

len = length of the sequence

OTM = number of observed transmembrane segments

PTM = number of predicted transmembrane segments

Observed segments = boundaries of observed segments

Predicted segments = boundaries of predicted segments

Name len OTM PTM Observed segments Predicted segments
1B14_HUMAN P03989 361 1 2 309-332 8-25, 306-332
ATC1_RABIT P04191 1001 10 7 49-69, 90-110, 254-273, 296-313, 758-777, 788-808, 829-851, 898-917, 931-949, 965-985 60-78, 87-107, 263-279, 291-315, 769-798, 831-859, 931-950
ATPL_ECOLI P00844 79 2 2 11-31, 53-73 8-33, 53-78
BACR_HALHA P02945 262 7 7 24-42, 57-75, 92-109, 121-140, 148-167, 186-204, 217-236 23-42, 61-79, 99-117, 121-136, 138-169, 190-207, 209-237
CB22_PEA P07371 269 3 2 92-126, 160-180, 207-236 155-178, 223-239
COAB_BPFD P03617 73 1 1 48-68 43-62
COAB_BPPF1 P03621 82 1 2 56-78 20-39, 57-76
COAT_BPPF3 P03623 44 1 1 19-36 17-39
COX1_BOVIN P00396 514 12 12 12-40, 51-86, 95-117, 141-170, 183-212, 228-261, 270-286, 299-327, 336-357, 371-400, 407-433, 447-478 18-37, 56-90, 100-134, 136-169, 182-206, 234-254, 267-293, 308-325, 329-359, 371-400, 408-427, 452-473
COX2_BOVIN P00404 227 2 2 19-42, 60-83 28-46, 64-81
COX2_PARDE P08306 298 2 3 56-88, 104-134 17-34, 66-87, 108-130
COX3_BOVIN P00415 261 7 6 16-34, 41-66, 73-105, 129-152, 156-183, 191-223, 233-256 15-49, 81-108, 129-144, 162-179, 190-220, 237-260
COX3_PARDE P06030 273 7 7 15-35, 48-76, 79-114, 139-165, 168-196, 203-236, 244-273 15-37, 39-67, 84-118, 137-158, 174-191, 196-232, 249-272
COX4_BOVIN P00423 169 1 1 99-124 103-120
COX4_PARDE P77921 50 1 1 17-48 24-48
COXD_BOVIN P07471 97 1 1 25-49 28-43
COXH_BOVIN P04038 73 1 1 12-52 19-35
COXK_BOVIN P07470 80 1 1 47-75 55-74
COXM_BOVIN P13183 88 1 1 41-67 48-70
COXO_BOVIN P00430 63 1 1 34-60 37-56
COXQ_BOVIN P10175 70 1 1 36-59 40-59
CX1B_PARDE P98002 558 12 12 29-59, 83-120, 127-151, 177-206, 218-251, 263-299, 304-319, 333-364, 370-395, 405-437, 441-469, 479-514 31-49, 89-118, 133-155, 181-205, 209-247, 270-298, 301-332, 334-360, 362-393, 406-433, 447-462, 487-514
FRDC_ECOLI P03805 131 3 3 22-49, 66-90, 105-128 33-51, 56-82, 113-130
FRDD_ECOLI P03806 119 3 3 9-35, 61-89, 97-115 12-47, 55-80, 99-118
GLPA_HUMAN P02724 150 1 2 92-114 4-27, 92-110
KCSA_STRLI Q54397 160 2 2 28-47, 88-111 26-50, 81-111
LHA4_RHOAC P26789 53 1 1 14-34 9-45
LHB5_RHOAC P26790 41 1 1 15-36 21-40
MEL_APIME P01501 70 1 1 44-63 3-23
MSCL_MYCTU O53898 151 2 2 15-43, 69-89 14-32, 66-94
OPSD_BOVIN P02699 348 7 7 37-63, 74-96, 111-133, 153-173, 203-224, 253-274, 287-308 34-57, 74-105, 107-133, 153-175, 203-228, 253-284, 287-301
RCEH_RHOSH P11846 260 1 1 12-31 2-31
RCEH_RHOVI P06008 258 1 1 12-30 10-25
RCEL_RHOSH P02954 281 5 6 33-52, 84-104, 115-136, 170-191, 225-250 16-35, 37-59, 73-98, 111-151, 169-195, 227-257
RCEL_RHOVI P06009 273 5 6 32-52, 83-110, 115-138, 170-197, 225-248 21-57, 73-98, 111-151, 174-195, 224-250, 252-272
RCEM_RHOSH P02953 307 5 6 52-72, 116-135, 143-163, 202-221, 264-285 31-50, 52-86, 105-132, 145-171, 196-226, 264-292
RCEM_RHOVI P06010 323 5 5 51-75, 110-136, 142-165, 197-222, 259-283 46-75, 100-125, 143-179, 194-225, 263-289